The Project

The project seeks to provide tools that guide society towards a moresustainable model of life.

For this, the space is re-interpreted according to theactivity it supports and it is reorganized according to the new relationships itmay generate.We believe a sustainable model is that which allows the individual todevelop (culturally, physically, intellectually) in symbiosis with its environment(social and natural).

The system of globalized management is based on encouraging theeconomic development in detriment of social and environmental issues. Justas it has worn away natural resources, it has also reduced the capacity of thehuman being to credulity and interpassivenessIn our ecological viewpoint, we consider these two facts as two sides of thesame coin.

These are concepts that can be addressed through the action andcritical thinking of all human beings. To activate this action, it is necessary torecognize and emancipate oneself from the ideas that have been draggedalong up to this point.

The great challenge of sustainability lies in proposing alternatives that canalter this organizational system. It consists of generating synergetic relationshipsbetween these aspects in order to change the collective imaginary of ownershipand consumerism, towards a new imaginary of creating, transmitting andsharing that will allow us to live better.

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Project ManualProject DrawingsPress ReleasePress Kit